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In recent years managers and professionals working in the rapidly developing field of systems engineering have made substantial revisions in two important aspects of their work: selection of metrics and redefining the work scope of program sponsors and acquisition managers.  As it is mentioned in “Defense Acquisition Guidebook”, DoD Directive 5000.01 requires Program Managers to: "develop and implement performance-based logistics strategies that optimize total system availability while minimizing cost and logistics footprint."  It also requires that: "Planning for Operation and Support and the estimation of total ownership costs shall begin as early as possible. Supportability, a key component of performance, shall be considered throughout the system life cycle."
“Operational Availability Handbook” prepared by Reliability Analysis Center states that “Project  Managers  must  be able  to access  system  performance  readiness  metrics  during  the acquisition  process,  prior  to  initial  operational  capability  (IOC),  and  throughout  the  deployment cycle,  providing  feedback  critical  to  ensuring  that  the  user  can  affordably  support  the  system.”  Again, it identifies the operational  availability of systems  as a  “key  to  an  organization's  ability  to  be  successful while  minimizing  cost”.

Thus, while a number of metrics may be relevant in a specific project, the systems availability (and usually a time-dependent availability) is of particular interest for program sponsors and acquisition managers. However, analytic calculations of availability are not practical except in the simplest cases (such as when only exponential distributions are involved). For instance, even the expression for availability of an individual component takes a form of an infinite sum of multi-dimensional convolution integrals. The only method allowing for correct calculation of systems availability in complex practical situations is a Monte Carlo method, i.e. a stochastic simulation.
"Develop and implement performance-based logistics strategies that optimize total system availability while minimizing cost and logistics footprint."

"Planning for Operation and Support and the estimation of total ownership costs shall begin as early as possible" 
A.D. Achlama is a provider of consulting services for Systems and Logistics Engineering. We develop, market, and support Annabelle - the most advanced and powerful software available for evaluating requirements and performance of complex systems, such as defense systems, communication systems, transport systems or industrial plants. 

Annabelle allows describing the system in terms of its hierarchical structure, and simulating its behavior for any given scenario of design, operations, and maintenance parameters. Annabelle uses time-dependent Monte Carlo techniques to simulate the behavior of the modeled system. This is the tool allowing to correctly evaluate availability and other parameters in complicated real-life situations. In what follows the steps of a typical modeling project performed by A.D. Achlama are outlined.

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"Supportability, a key component of performance, shall be considered throughout the system life cycle"

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