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UAV Case Study

“ UAVs are uninhabited  and reusable  motorized  aerial vehicles,  which are remotely controlled, semi-autonomous, autonomous, or have a combination  of these capabilities,  and  that  can carry  various  types of  payloads,  making  them  capable  of performing  specific  tasks  within  the earth’s  atmosphere,  or  beyond,  for  a duration,  which  is  related  to  their missions…”


"Iron Dome" Case Study


Using Annabelle to optimize spare parts allocation for Iron Dome ADS (a mobile air defence system developed by RAFAEL Advanced Defence Systems designed to intercept and destroy short-range rockets fired from Gaza in order to hit civil targets in Israel)

The work was presented and published by IAF CAPT. A.Laufer at 17th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Tel Aviv, 2012

(In Hebrew)



"Optimization of Spare Parts Allocation by Hybrid  
Monte Carlo/Analytic Approach"
by Capt. A. Laufer, Israeli Air Force, Material Command, Israel
SRMLO - The International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Sciences and Operations Management, Beersheba, 2010




"Optimal Spare Parts Allocation for Complex Military Systems subject to Performance and Budget Constraints using Monte Carlo Simulation"

by S. Khoroshevsky, Senior OR Analyst at A.D. Achlama Ltd.
ORSIS - Israeli Operations Research Society, a member of IFORS and EURO, was founded in 1966 to promote and enhence the research and practice of Operations Research in Israel. ORSIS publishes a newsletter bianually. The national conference is held annually in various sites in Israel. Several awards have been established over the years for excellence in research and application of OR in Israel. ORSIS has about 300 members, about one third of whom are in academia, the rest in industry, business and public organizations.